Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Paleo Naan

½ cup blanched almond flour OR ¼ cup coconut flour
½ cup tapioca flour or arrowroot flour
1 cup coconut milk, canned and full fat
1 teaspoon salt, to taste
Ghee (slather that bread!), optional

Pre–heat a 9.5 inch (or larger) nonstick pan or using this steel crepe pan over medium heat.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, and pour ¼ cup of batter onto the pan. Spread the batter out with a spoon.

After 2–3 minutes, or once the batter fluffs up and looks firm/mostly cooked, flip it over to cook the other side (be patient, this takes time. If you are worried about the outside burning, just lower the heat).


  • If the middle still seems slightly undercooked, place the flatbread on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10-15 minutes, or until done.
  • If the cream has solidified in your canned coconut milk, then mix well before using.

Taken directly from

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